
Call for papers: Invitation to publish Research Articles, Reviews and Case Studies


Aims & Scope


Journal of Historical Studies and Research [JHSR] is a peer-reviewed open access E-Journal published on different aspects of South Asian History specially Ancient, Medieval and Modern Indian as well as Regional History and Anthropological Studies.JHSR aims to publish original research articles, reports and reviews with an emphasis upon emerging and on-going debates relating to all areas of South Asian History addressing complex socio-historical issues.


The Journal focuses on Social, Cultural, Economic and Political aspects relating to Ancient, Medieval and Modern periods of Indian History, Literature, Epigraphy, Archaeology, Art & Architecture, Religion, Philosophy, Women Studies, Politics, Rural Development and many such interlinked disciplines which are also covered by JHSR.


Journal Particulars


Year 2021
Frequency Three issues per year
ISSN 2583-0198
Publisher Banga Sanskriti O Itihas Anusandhan Parishad
Editor-in-Chief Dr. Bipul Mandal
Copyright Banga Sanskriti O Itihas Anusandhan Parishad
Starting Year 2021
Subject History
Language English
Publication format Online
Mobile No. 7001594673
Email Id. jhsr.editor@gmail.com
Website www.jhsr.in
Address Uttar Chirail Para Tara Bazar Lane,P.O.-Kaliyaganj,Dist.-Uttar Dinajpur,Pin.-733129,West Bengal,India


Editor- in- Chief
Journal of Historical Studies and Research &
Assistant Professor & Head Department of History Kaliyaganj College
(Affiliated to University of Gour Banga)
Dist.-Uttar Dinajpur-733129
West Bengal, India

Email: jhsr.editor@gmail.com bipulmandalklg@gmail.com

Mobile No: 7001594673/ 9474442962/ 9933482593

Whatsapp No: 7001594673/ 9679713937/ 9933482593

Postal Address: Uttar Chirail Para Tara Bazar Lane
P.O. +PS. –Kaliyaganj Dist.-Uttar Dinajpur State: West Bengal India


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