Christian Missionaries and their Impact among the Meches of Jalpaiguri District in the Colonial Period

in Published Volumes


Dr. Manadev Roy

Assistant Professor
Department of History
Kurseong College
(Affiliated to North Bengal University)
Darjeeling, West Bengal,


Abstract::Followed by the British rule in India numerous Christian missionaries came to Jalpaiguri district with the mission of evangelism. American Baptist Missionary, Church Missionary, Scotland missionary, Scandinavian Alliance Missionary, United Church of Northern India, Roman Catholic Missionary, Presbyterian Missionary etcetera came to the district and influenced the tribals very much. At the time of evangelism these Christian missionary societies introduced many welfare schemes for increasing the number of converts to which greatly influenced the Meches and other tribals of the district. It was under the influence of Christian faith that a new Mech Christian society emerged within the traditional Mech society. Some traditional beliefs, customs, and rituals of the Meches were given up by the Christian Meches. It was through missionary activities that a few number of mission schools came into existence in the Mech populated areas. Most of the Christian Meches were also encouraged to learn the western education.Then the Meches started having a taste of white collar jobs. The educated Meches became exposed to something new and novel.

Key Words:Christian Missionary,Education, Meches,Tribal ,Orphanages, Serampore.