Historical Development of Panchayati Raj in India:A Historical Analysis
Saruk Hossain
M. Phil Scholar
Department of Political Science
Raiganj University
Raiganj,Uttar Dinajpur,West Bengal,India
Email: sarukhossain0@gmail.com
Abstract:: This article provides an overview on historical development of Panchayati Raj
system in India. In my view that Rajasthan was the first state in India to implement a plan of
democratic decentralization in 1959 and established the Panchayati Raj system in the rural
areas closely resembling the model suggested by the Balwant Rai Mehta Study Team. But
Maharashtra Government did not accept the B.R. Mehta team’s report. It appointed the Naik
Committee in 1961 to suggest a suitable pattern for the Panchayat system. Based on the
recommendations of this committee, the states decide on a District-level body to make Zila
Parishad the planning and implementation body. All developmental departments of
Government at the district level are kept under its control. The Panchayat Samiti was made a
committee of the Zilla Parishad only. I highlighted to this article that how the Panchayati Raj
system in India are developed step by step.
Key Words:Amendment, Constitution, Development, Panchayati Raj, Rural Women etc.