Social Change in Bengal, 1757-1857:A Critical Analysis

in Published Volumes


Krishna Das
Independent Scholar
Department of History
University of Gour Banga
Malda,West Bengal,India

Bipul Mandal
Assistant Professor
Kaliyaganj College,Kaliyaganj
Affiliated to the Gour Banga University
Uttar Dinajpur,West Bengal,India

Abstract:: British rule in India had originated in Bengal and it was inevitable that Bengal society
would be the first to feel the all pervasive impact of the West and undergo changes which later
spread to other parts of India. These changes had manifested themselves in the early decades of
the nineteenth century. It is also needless to emphasise that social change is quite distinct from
cultural change and the chief concern of the historian is to examine the social relationship which
becomes a primary factor in a social change. The main aim of this paper is to study environment
and a dynamics of the social change in Bengal during the period under review

Key Words:Battle of Plassey, Evangalicalism,Social Change,Utilitarianism,Westernism etc.