A Brief Study on Hindustan Socialist Republic Association(HSRA)

in Published Volumes


Neelesh Chaturvedi
Research Scholar
Jiwaji University
Gwalior,Madhya Pradesh,India

Email: chaturvedi.neelesh560@gmail.com

Abstract::This paper tries to study the functioning and objectives of Hindustan Socialist Republic Association (HSRA) during the peak time of revolutionary activities, at length. HSRA played an important part not only in gathering the support of masses which lied void after the withdrawal of Non Co-operation Movement but also in instilling fear in the mind of British officials in India.This paper further looks into the plots and activities undertaken by HSRA to show its determination and strength which later on paved the way for the youths of country to unite and fight against torture and yoke of British government. This paper also discuss its pan India presence, popularity, and determination to overthrow imperialism and at the very end reasons for its demise.

Key Words:: Assault,Family,Nationalism,Plight,Socialism,Terrorism etc.