The Growth and Development of Public Health in the Hill areas of Darjeeling District and the role of the Colonial British Government (1850 to 1947): A Historical Analysis
Krishna Barman
1Assistant Professor
Department of History
Nakshalbari College
P.O: Nakshalbari, Dist: Darjeeling,
Abstract:: The historical study of public health has developed as a significant subject in ongoing historiography. Darjeeling was initially established on health consideration explicitly for British soldiers and regular citizens to recover from the insufferable hot climate of the plains and diseases.The ailments pervasive in the hills were malarias fever, hill diarrhoea and small-pox specifically. In consequence, western medical practices were introduced through the establishment of various charitable hospitals and dispensaries. Besides the opening up of several medical institutions, the colonial rulers additionally started cinchona plantation for commercial purpose in 1862 especially in the eastern side of the river Tista as more extensive part of the western medication. The objective of the government in maintaining these plantations and the factory was to supply the people quinine for malarial fever. The study also looks into the construction of various public health infrastructures in Darjeeling hills i.e. water supply, sewage disposal, proper utilization of vaccination etc.
Key Words:Disease, fever, Hospital, Medicine, Malaria, Vaccination, Sewage, Water-supply